If you are struggling to build your social network on LinkedIn, start following hashtagsocialsatudayhashtag. Also write posts to help your community connect via your posts.

The process is simple. You can cut n paste the following content to create your post:

Don’t be shy of talking to new people on LinkedIn.

Let us celebrate Social Saturday to connect and grow our LinkedIn network.


  • Tell us where are you joining from.
  • Give others thumbs-up to connect with you.
  • Talk about your passion in comments.
  • Show that you are open to new connections.
  • Reach out and get connected.
  • Tell people to Grow their network.

Remember your network is your net-worth.

And You are as rich as the people you have.

Be an amazing networker on Social Saturday. 😊

LinkedIn is one of the most effective social media platforms for networking, personal branding, and job searching.

Here are five key points highlighting the importance of social networking on LinkedIn.


  1. Improved Personal Branding
  2. Ability to build a global network
  3. Creating business opportunities.
  4. Finding Job opportunities.
  5. Becoming an influencer.

Share this newsletter with others who want to make the best use of LinkedIn this Saturday!